Who are we?

Casa de Amistad (CDA) is a registered 501(c)(3) based in Athens, Georgia. CDA serves the Athens-area Latino/Hispanic community through adult literacy education and advocacy, mitigating economic hardship and cultural marginalization by ensuring underserved community members can access skills and services to improve their lives and engaging the larger community to create a more inclusive, harmonious, and multicultural Athens.

What we Do

Casa de Amistad works with the Latino and Hispanic population in the Northeast Georgia area. We provide social services, referrals, translation, education, and advocacy.

The organization was created to support the diverse needs and well-being of the growing Hispanic population in Athens through educational opportunities and social service outreach. Our program offerings change from year to year and have included programs for both adults and children.

During 2020-2022, we sponsored the Fondo Solidario, a COVID-19 pandemic relief fund, implemented by a collaborative of community partner organizations, including Support to Immigrant Families in Crisis (SIFIC), the Interfaith Sanctuary Coalition of Athens (ISC), and Dignidad Inmigrante Athens (DIA). Through the Fondo Solidario, we have been able to assist with over 1,000 requests for rental/utility assistance during the pandemic. We have also held 17 food and PPE distributions serving 200-300 households each time; and held 2 COVID-19 testing clinics and 9 vaccination clinics. Although open to all, 85-90% of beneficiaries of these programs were Hispanic/Latinx.

Through the years we have helped people in a variety of situations, including child support issues, non-payment for labor rendered, landlord/tenant communication, forms for medical care, and more. Additionally, we  help provide referrals to clinics, doctors, lawyers and other organizations.

We can refer individuals to an emergency fund, managed by SIFIC to help local families affected by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids.

Casa de Amistad focuses primarily on serving Latino and Hispanic families living below the poverty line. Many of our families work in the poultry industry, food service, construction, landscaping, and other retail and service industries, as well as are self-employed.


Casa de Amistad (CDA) is a registered 501(c)(3) based in Athens, Georgia. CDA serves the Athens-area Latino/Hispanic community through adult literacy education and advocacy, mitigating economic hardship and cultural marginalization by ensuring underserved community members can access skills and services to improve their lives and engaging the larger community to create a more inclusive, harmonious, and multicultural Athens.


Casa de Amistad evolved from the efforts of a concerned group of Athens Clarke residents who rallied together in 2000 when a mobile home court called Garden Springs was being sold.  The residents, many of whom were Hispanic and owned the trailers in the park, were faced with relocating in a matter of months. Local Presbyterian churches got involved and were able to raise funds to provide outreach to the Latino and Hispanic community. These funds were granted in 2003 and it was then that a social worker was hired.

In those days there was no office and a social worker visited the families in their homes and kept in touch by cell phone. Over time, computer classes, English classes, and a women's craft group were organized. The office of Casa de Amistad was inaugurated on September 12, 2004 and the social worker obtained the position of Executive Director.

In 2009 Casa de Amistad obtained its 501(c)(3) status as a non-profit organization.

Casa de Amistad provides free services regardless of religious affiliation, sex, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or political beliefs.

Casa de Amistad's mission is to identify and address the needs of the under-served Hispanic community through direct service, education, advocacy and community involvement in order to create a just and harmonious, multicultural community.

Visit www.athensamistad.com or facebook.com/athensamistad igg.me/at/AthensAmistad

Filmed and edited by Dillon Eversman

Narrated by Dillon Eversman
